Wednesday, January 27, 2010

second appointment

today i went in for my second appointment which only took about 15-20 minutes. you usually get spacers but i am not getting the metal bands on the back of my teeth. but i got a mold done which is very cold and gooey and when they take it off it pretty much sucks to your teeth. then i had to get one more x-ray of my bite. and that was all!! the nest time i go in on feb.8 i will be getting my braces :)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

the consultation

i went into the orthodotist and i was very nervous and anxious at the same time. i had an idea what to expect but was not sure. i was more comfortable at my orthodontist because my sister had went there for her braces a few years ago so i am pretty familiar with the place.

what happens at the consultation:
  1. you sign in and wait
  2. they call you and take you back to get xrays
  3. then after the xrays you take photos of your bite and your teeth in general
  4. next you go into the othodontists main office
  5. you review your xrays and pictures and he/she tells you everything that is wrong
  6. then he/she will look in your mouth and read out all these measurements to the assistant and he/she will write them down
  7. after he/she shows you all your options that you have and you and your parent will choose what type of braces you want
  8. after you choose you and the assistant will go over all the financial options
  9. then you schedual your next appointment
  10. your done!
my next appointment is for my records so they can put me on a file and also they will make my molds also that day. that day is this coming wensday january 27, 2010 at 7:30 n the morning.